Monday, October 4, 2010

Winter oh Winter mornings!

Though I'm a self confessed fan of the great Indian summer, staying in Mumbai for the past eight years has brought back a sense of nostalgia I didn't think my weary bones had called for-
The slight tingle of the nascent Indian winter, characterised by that oh-so-welcome distinct crispness in the air!
Back home in Lucknow, known for it's exemplary winter days, the slight nip in the air- that feeling of distant Diwali around the corner- the air full of unlit firecrackers, the imaginary rustle of tearing off the labels from those string bombs, the smell of gunpowder permeating your fingers and making you dizzy with delight!
Of course, it's not as pronounced in Mumbai, will never be. Diwali isn't the biggest festival here- it's more of an occasion to burst 'em crackers to see which one makes the loudest noise.
But now, what I wouldn't give just to feel the starting of winter in the air!

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