Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Catch me if you can!

'Ok so we'll catch up soon,' finished my husband, as he deftly manouevered a piece of watermelon at the breakfast table in one hand, cellphone in the other.
Being unemployed and feeling quite anti-social at the moment (I'm just so content to lie in late and have the whole day to myself, instead of living it by hour long fragments of various meetings!) I have always found this 'catching up' business not quite to my taste.
Bordering on the edge between an extrovert and an introvert, I have my phases where I will slink away from all public glare, not talk to unnecessary people and maybe even avoid their calls.
Maybe it's just me, or all people suffer from this cloak of invisibility at times. And then I do all I can in my power to remain as far away from people as I possibly can.
So when well-meaning friends ask me to 'lets meet for coffee', I fob them off until i feel I'm ready to emerge from my cocoon. So far it's worked, but with everyone's busy schedule and hundreds of commitments, I doubt how long people will tolerate my sudden absences!

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