Friday, February 18, 2011

The only way I know is right!

What is this new malaise striking young rich couples? The desire to stay and live alone, devoid of any family ties- they seek to be the perennial centre of their warped universes, bringing much desolation and grief to the surviving parents.
With the strong values that I've been brought up with, I firmly believe that its always prudent to consider an elder's point of view- else they wouldnt be called elders- and it always turns out they are correct in the end.
The second phenomenon is leaving really young children in creches and day care centres, at the cost of fulfilling their own ambitions. When I was young I used to think creches and crutches meant the same- little did I realise they actually do!
My mum gave up a lucrative career in journalism to take care of my sister and me. My mother in law turned down various teaching opportunities so that her three children could be brought up right- and I'm fully prepated to do the same when its my turn. I wouldn't have it any other way, and neither would my system accept the cries of a piece of me, surrounded by strangers as I'm merrily climbing up the corporate ladder. It just isn't me.
Or maybe I'm too old fashioned, but I like being that. Its the only way I know is right!

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