Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The importance of being burrrped!!

Ever paid attention to that innocuous little involuntary expulsion of air after a satisfying (or maybe not so satisfying but maybe fulfilling) meal? The one variously and comically defined and redefined by the likes of Shrek? Yes, the burrp. Thats right- not burp, but burrrp in a baby's case. Very important if you value your sleep - an unburped baby will twist and turn under the covers making ugly faces at you for not fulfilling your complete meal duty and force you to yet take little toodles in your arms and rock her to sleep-at two in tbe night, even though you've spent the best part of twelve doing the same exercise twice already.
And when it happens, the burrrp i mean- a deep, guttural, full throated one, you cant help but grin and be satisfied and utter in amazement- thank you, for your kind co-operation, baby!

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