Friday, January 6, 2012

Obsessive Mom

Yesterday was Raania's routine height- weight check at the Doc. This day always reminds me of examinations at school, where no amount of preparation before hand would prepare me for the actual two hours of pouring all I knew onto those White ruled sheets of paper. I still feel the same- making baby drink as much milk as possible two days before the D-day and grinning helplessly when baby helpfully poops a huge block just before going to Doc.  This is one exam where month long preparation gives result in just ten minutes of entering the doc's cabin. And, just like that, you're either happy or sad. The tempo of the following month is also set by this Doc visit. If result is happy I can relax just a teeny weeny bit and not be as high strung about her diet as before. If sad, then all my waking and sleeping hours are dictated by ounces of milk. I obsess if she eats. I obsess if she doesn't eat. I'm obsessed with my baby and I love it!

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