Sunday, July 22, 2012

The linearity of thought

My nanny (R's maid) thinks only about her boyfriend and Bollywood. At any given time, she can sing most of the film songs- word for word and recite the actors' filmography - down to the last ten years. When baby isn't sleeping- the maid is on the phone- often for spells as long as two and half hours- whispering nothings and everythings into her phone.
Ask her about general stuff and she'll draw a blank. Anything related to politics, weather or common sense is met with a question mark. Sometimes I avoid giving her any work, fearing that she'll mess it up and I'll have to do it all over again myself. 
Her world is tiny- just films and her boyfriend. On the other hand, I have a host of things occupying me. Sometimes I feel my head will just burst with the amount of thinking that clicks cogs turning and re-turning.. Fitting here, there... So I often forget what I was thinking and drafts of great stories are killed before they can erupt.
Such humdrum life.

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