Sunday, January 13, 2013

Lifelong Affliction!

Last night, little R was most uncomfortable - kept waking up every couple of hours - which was odd since she's been a very disciplined baby since she was six months old and sleeps right through the night. We should've guessed. I passed on my cold to her and what started as a little runny dot soon developed into a little continuous river. It's been her third brush with cold in the nineteen months of her existence (she favours an upset tummy more - like her mum!) so naturally she's irritated.
However, the point of this post is- that despite sleeping just an hour in the early morning and nursing a  cold, sore throat (so bad that my entire back hurts when I cough) myself, I got the energy to run R through her morning milk, breakfast, bath, lunch and subsequent nap with play- without feeling out of sorts. The exact feeling I had when she was a month old and nurse every couple of hours around the clock and stay awake till 4 am. 
Guess this sleeplessness is a lifelong affliction! 

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