Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Edge of Impatience

Have you ever realised this?
The edge of impatience is really where patience begins. The feeling that makes you want to explode like a volcano gives way to that funny feeling, which creeps up and tickles the small hairs at the base of your neck, smoothing down your nerves. Like ocean water, washing you down, the waves of patience sweeps over you, leaving fine grains of impatience- just so you don't forget it completely.
Sometimes it makes you feel helpless, most times just exasperated.
When you mutter those golden words to yourself, "God give me patience!", he does just that, giving you so much of patience that you yearn for the event to happen.
They say the fruits of patience are sweet. But nowhere do they say, how long you have to labour for them. There is no time clause. It could be a day, month, maybe years.
By that time, your patience has become so thick, like a layer in your life, that it makes you impervious to any emotion- sad or happy.
So when, the event finally happens, for which you have been waiting so (im)patiently, you are sort of indifferent- thinking to yourself, this was bound to happen, coz I have been patient so long!
The edge of patience, then, is where indifference begins.


Anonymous said...

I have felt this, Roli. The impatience to get something / somewhere takes away a lot of the happiness of getting something / somewhere. A lot of times I have wondered if impatience equals faith or does patience stand for faith.

Anonymous said...

But I have also realized that fruits of labour only come to the believing and faith has no equal.....

Roli Bhushan-Malhotra said...
