Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sunshine. Sunday.

Finally! Sunday. The one day where I don't have to fight with myself to get up at 0633 hours, drag myself out of the bathroom (after trying to brush my teeth with the tube of hair gel instead of toothpaste), clunk the old saucepan with water and milk on the stove to make tea, rush to the other bathroom to bundle clothes to be washed in the machine(and almost bundling in the laundry bag as well)and start chopping onions for hubby's lunch. Today I wake up at a leisurely 0930 hours, saunter to the bathroom, comb my hair, admire my skin in the mirror, spray some of that heavenly perfume on myself and come back to bed where hubby brings in a tray of sweet smelling elaichi tea and butter cookies! Ahh life on a Sunday! I then proceed to spend the next twenty minutes dissecting the morning's social news, a juicy scoop here and a criminal trailer there, punctuated by a list of To-Do chores that have been waiting for me, faithfully, all week. 'Buy groceries, get watch repaired, sort out papers, take in a movie...'-the last one brings another round of excitement- let me see the shows and timings. Then hubby comes in and asks what I am doing. He says it'll have to be in the afternoon coz today's a big football match. This means sacrificing my afternoon siesta. Drat. Life on a Sunday!

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