Friday, January 28, 2011

The ambiguity of happiness

This morning, I glanced through my Facebook newsfeeds and saw that two of my friends had expressed their desire to be happy- albeit in different ways.
One had proclaimed to the world that today! was the day that he'd start being happy all over again- err- again? So what was he before this blessed day? His posts seemed to indicate that he was quite the sunshiny mood all through- so why this sudden obsession to be 'happy'?
The other friend, had published the results of some quiz he took, and which indicated his happiness quotient was a mere 59%. Oops. And there he was, ploughing through life with just 59% happiness. No wonder his earlier post said that he was bored and nothing exciting ever happened in his life.
Is happiness a virtue to be proclaimed or calculated?
Last I checked, it was a state of mind.
Guess technology has made us so practical that we forget that happiness is just roses in the spring and the blur of a butterfly's wings.
Wouldn't you agree?

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