Thursday, January 20, 2011

The ghostly earthquake

As Tinkle- like as the title may sound, and as devastating it might have been for our political neighbours, yesterday's earthquake tremors at Delhi brought a smile to my face.
The reason was largely a conversation I had with my sister on the morning of the quake, which went something like this:
Me: Hey, I heard about the quake, did you feel it?
Sis: yeah at about 1:45am
Me: what was it like, what were you doing then?
Sis: yeah, I was awake, listening to music and I felt the bed shake
Me: so, did you get up to see if the parents were ok?
Sis: nah, I thought tWas ghosts rocking the bed so I snuggled in deeper and turned up the music real loud
Me: ...
who would expect a 24 year old to believe in ghosts? But apparently, she does!!!

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