Sunday, July 4, 2010

Alphabet World

 "I love writing.  I love the swirl and swing of words as they tangle with human emotions." - James Michener. Indeed. Sometimes thoughts form and vaporise so quickly that they are killed in nascency by the non emergence of words fast enough to bear fruition. I love the slight clack of the keys of my laptop as the sea of black words gobbles up the whiteness of a new page. I'm fascinated by the way my phone's virtual keyboard pops up the minute I command it to- a battalion of rectangular soldiers waiting to takeover the ruled notepaper, the pronounced tick of the keyboard a clarion call of victory. The more I read, the more I want to write- about anything. And everything. As long as I can remember, I've been living in an alternate world where alphabets are people- and where R is the ruling queen and V is her King. All the 24 others including oft-used punctuation marks like full stop, comma and semi colon and the humble dash are courtiers, occupying large, ornate, velvet encrusted chairs. Each day we hold court, listening to cases where grammatical errors result in (no, not 'off with her head') but Off with her hand/ Tongue as the case may be! It's a beautiful world- Alphabet Land!    

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