Monday, July 19, 2010

Mr Know-it-all

Each family has one such example of the aforementioned species- mine being an Uncle, far removed from both sides of the family (I guess his far removed-ness somehow propels him to impress us with his vast repertoire of knowledge)
Now with Uncle Know-it-all around, one doesn't need the tv or the radio or any other such forms of trivial entertainment. For where else would you be forced to think about the plight of African elephants, while discussing Jane Austen's last book and the eating habits of Gujaratis? Sample this- we are sitting around, the men have had round one of whisky and the tv is tuned to one of those never-ending saas bahu serials. The general topic of discussion is our jobs and whereabouts. While we are mentally taking Uncle through some intricacy of our jobs, he springs on us the following: 'so what do you think about Brazil's GDP?', eliciting a stunned silence from all of us.
He then proceeds to educate us on the above as well as holding a parallel conversation in his head about the apparel industry of India which spews forth as the design of the shirt buttonhole!
Now all that goes without saying is that this vast amount of knowledge needs to be shared- non stop, with whoever's around. So often, Uncle Know-it-all is also known as Uncle Talk-a-lot.
But whichever way you look at it- at least entertainment for the evening is guaranteed!

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