Friday, July 2, 2010

Forgiven, not forgotten.

I am one of those few unluckies who have their wisdom teeth growing parallel to the jaw. Yes, you read right- teeth and parallel.
Each year, it is the turn of one of these teeth, to assert their rights inside my mouth, from under the skin, by impacting some other tooth. Last year, it was Mr. Left (for who else from the species, but an irritating man, would refuse to take the hint and just stop pestering), this year, it is Mr. Right.
Mr. Right sought admission in my life about three weeks ago. What first started as a persistent dull ache on the right side of my face (leaving me to scaredly believe I was contracting some kind of nerve paralysis) became a full blown hammer-like pain in my right molar. An expensive trip to the ENT specialist (for I felt maybe it was the eustachian tube which had become infected again after a round of extra spicy paani puris) and an even more expensive one to the dentist (who thoughtfully suggested sawing through the gum, drilling into the bone and then extracting the tooth) left me with no other alternative but to gulp down painkillers and antibiotics. In the meanwhile, Mr. Right has extended his territory to other parts of my head as well. He just springs up, unannounced, ready to sweep me off my eyes with excruciating pain.
Needless to add that Mr. Right has been wooed by all home remedies of laung, cough syrup, warm salt water gargles which have been ruthlessly discarded by him.
I am watching it again. Today he is at the top of my skull, a pain which seeps out when poked.
How many more days to go, till he is forgotten?

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