Friday, June 11, 2010

Foisting choices

Ever been subjected to choices been foisted onto you? When you have no say in the decision, you are just told to do? Obviously, it's not you who's doing the saying, yet you silently nod in acquiscience- knowing that the denying option does not exist. Then you just sigh inwards and mutter- oh what the heck, what's the difference, if everyone's happy then who am I to complain? But in this seemingly nonchalant attitude, you realise you are sacrifing a bit of yourself. But this realisation doesn't really dawn until you are too jaded to care. And then without much fanfare, you become like one of those Diktants yourself!


Anonymous said...

How we respond to these situations determines the emotional outcome. Very often,we hurt ourselves more than any body can.



Roli Bhushan-Malhotra said...

I agree KG. And we hurt ourselves irrevocably, irretrievably. But the worst part is, we don't even realise it!

Anonymous said...

do you believe in destiny?


rayshma said...

i very genuinely think that we are responsible for our own happiness. i nod my head only if it is not going to affect my happiness... selfish, yes. but i have only one life. only one chance at being happy. and i intend to live, and make the most of it.

Roli Bhushan-Malhotra said...

KG: yes, I believe in destiny.
R: easier said than done, girl!