Wednesday, June 29, 2011

It's another day

Each day is a new challenge. Today you woke up smiling next to me I thought it would be an easy day- when I could catch up on twenty winks. Seems like you read my mind, baby, coz all you did was feed and doze for precisely ten minutes every hour starting from 1 o'clock. By 6, I was frustrated, edgy and tired. Then I looked at your tiny face and realised if I was feeling all this, you would be feeling ten times worse. When I rocked you in my arms and you finally fell asleep, I felt like the best mother in the world. Thank you, darling!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Raania- The Queen of my heart and Life

Amazing how a small bundle can turn your life into theirs. Feed, burp, poop, pee, play, sleep. Suddenly your day is measured by the number of wet nappies and how many times she fed. Suddenly everything else pales in comparison- social life, work, friends as you work harder at being a parent than you ever have,in your entire life. You stay up nights, sleep in snatches of minutes and are yet elated with life. As you look at that tiny face breaking into a toothless smile, suddenly all your tiredness vanishes and you feel like reigning over the world yet again!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

A child gives birth to a mother

After months of struggling with those elusive two pink lines and then finally spending a stressful nine months, eighteen hours of labour for a normal delivery (thank you, God and Dr Feroze Soonawala) i finally held a little swaddled blue glow worm in the best room at Breach Candy. Ironic that the first few days when you need complete rest your body is put through its most rigorous test: feed the baby and recuperate.
However, at the end of the first ten days or so, you start feeling reborn- its true- a child gives birth to a mother!