Friday, September 23, 2011

Love you, my 15- week wonder

15 weeks earlier to this day, I was in the throes of a long and tiresome labour, drifting in and out of sleep, dreaming about parks and waterfalls while spasm after spasm continued to hit me in great waves.
Today- 15 weeks later, with a cute cherub who has eyes like the ocean with lights, cheeks as soft as cottonball and fingers as cute as cuteness themselves, do I remember the pain?
All I remember are the happy memories she's created for me so far. How that space in my heart, which is all hers, aches with tenderness when she looks at me with amazement as I sing to her. How round her eyes become as I softly gurgle nothings in her ear, how they follow me across the room... How right she feels in my arms- like she and I were made just right for each other.
I love you, my 15-week wonder!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

A different target!

From Sales value to milk ounces!
Never has the journey of motherhood been so fulfilling! This is chasing targets of a different kind. From sales value in Rupees to milk volume in ounces. If baby takes in more than the targeted volume it's a wow feeling- and to see those cute cottony cheeks billow out a little more is the best feeling any mum can get!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Three months of unparalleled bliss

I say unparalleled because it's a bit like love and hate colliding. Never before in your life would you have felt such contrasting emotions. Like how your want for sleep will be subdued by her need for you at 3 am. Like how those achy knees will disappear once she's in your arms, wanting to be rocked to sleep. Like how you'd be drenched in sweat from roaming around endlessly with her in your arms, only to be rewarded by the snug, soft bundle purring away in appreciation of some household appliance. Like how you'd sacrifice your own basic stuff- combing your hair & applying nail polish to scrub her dirty nappy.
Three months of unparalleled bliss.
Three months of loving that small doll called Raania