Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Twelve months...

Raania turned one year old this month. Yes a complete twelve months have passed since my world was turned upside down with the arrival of a pint sized tiny red-faced doll. I still remember the feeling of unsurety I had while she lay with me in my bed in Breach Candy, just three hours after being born. I was filled with a)wonder, that she was real and not a toy and b)fear, that I might accidentally turn over on her. Of course b) didn't happen as she dozed off in some time- and I slept fitfully besides her, in the same position for a good two hours. What a delight to wake up to a new born! I still remember that feeling of amazement that she was finally here after that long wait (I'd so wanted a girl while the rest had rallied for a boy- Raania had the last laugh- as always) as my husband sleepily rubbed his eyes and got up from the sofa and immediately ran over to my bed and we both gazed adoringly at the miracle we'd created. Now, twelve months hence, I always say time flies after the first six months, life is getting into a pattern around Raania. My day is her day. She fills up my waking and sleeping moments and everything in between. And I wouldn't have it any other way.