Thursday, June 6, 2013

New Learning

Been away from this space long & a lot has happened in between. Ever since I gave birth to beautiful Raania two years ago, my life completed one set of goals. The next set took considerable time to be formulated (given that the first set took about eight years to form, implement and fructify) - so for little over a year I mulled and stared at the wall- imagining various kinds of goals for self.
And oh yes- in that one year- also wrote a few stories which got kinda rejected the way they were - in their raw unedited form by an agent (didn't bother with a list- one rejection was enough to send my fragile ego spilling as tears on the bathroom floor). So while I pretended that it wasn't a big deal (in retrospect - it wasn't!) I whiled away time watching old movies on YouTube and reading popular fiction by the dozen. Then a chance conversation with an old school friend set the rusty mental clogs turning once more. Yes, time to study.
Successful completion of assignment and I was ready to take the exam. Out of four subjects, could manage reading and answering only one subject properly. Of course, I started studying very late and with just about two or three hours in the day to study, with a bawling toddler, full home and Ma's ill-health, I thought of giving up the exam so many times.
But I guess somewhere old motivation sprang up and I studied really hard.
That I couldn't remember half the points I meticulously made on my phone, while writing the exam is another story, but all this, in a nutshell is where I've been.
I've discovered and appreciated that 'brevity is the soul of wit' and to write better, one needs to choose words very carefully.
Hopefully I will be able to implement my learning soon! Meanwhile, stories on my other blog.

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